Wednesday, February 9, 2022

And so it Begins

The times finally here where we begin our portfolio project. However, before we can get back to business, I think a proper re-introduction is due. 

Hi, my name is Isabella and I'm a senior in the A level course of Aice Media. 

AS last year was an experience. There were many challenges I faced from not only taking the class online but also having little to no experience when it comes to media production. However, despite all of these hardships, I wouldn't change anything about it. Each project allowed me to grow immensely as a person. I learned things I never would have had the opportunity to learn without the class, our teacher, and my classmates. I also made many friendships that have only strengthened throughout the year. With all of these factors, it's no surprise that Media Studies quickly became my favourite class. 

(If you're interested in seeing my AS blog click here or the embedded link at the top of the right sidebar).

I am extremely proud of my film opening last year considering it was the first time I ever produced anything related to film (not counting the projects we had throughout the year but those I didn't work on alone). This year I can't wait to see how my project grows throughout this process of creating our portfolio. I'm really excited (and a little scared) but I'm glad I'm able to document my journey through here. 

Without further ado, welcome to my blog!

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