Saturday, February 26, 2022

Title! (and social media creation!)

 As I've mentioned before, I'm an incredibly indecisive person. I don't know why I am this way, maybe it's the fear of settling on something when there can be something better out there, but I just don't have a good experience choosing. When it came to deciding on a title for my short film, this was no different. 

Initially, I just had no clue what I could possibly name it. My mind remained blank for what seemed like days. Eventually, the thoughts wandered towards the painting in my film and its inspiration. 

See blog post here

With the Weeping Woman in mind, I thought that it would be a good idea to name the film after the piece I will be painting. I began to think of variations and possibilities of what the painting could be called. I really liked how "A Weeping Woman" sounded with the W alliteration that creates a "wooshing" effect to it, guiding the progression of the phrase. I thought of maybe translating this into French, however, "Femme en pleurs" doesn't sound nearly half as good.

From there, I decided that sticking with a french name was a good idea as I felt it fit well with the aesthetics of the short film as well as the art style. Personally, when I think of famous artworks and artists throughout the ages, the ones that quickly come to mind are francophone artists such as Van Gogh and Monet as well as the vast amount of paintings created during the Renaissance. I also felt that the outfit I chose for the girl in the painting felt like a dress a french countryside woman would wherein her ville and around the campagne. Overall, the artistic aspects of the film felt very french to me and it is also a great opportunity for me to put the seven years' worth of french classes to use. 

Following this thought process, I thought of maybe titling it En Pleurs, or in English, In tears, but yet again this did not sound very pleasing to me. At this point, I thought that maybe I was just looking too far into it and that perhaps the reason it didn't seem pretty to me was that I know the direct translation of the phrase, so I turned to my non-french-speaking friends for their opinion. They said that thought having a french title is definitely the right decision and though it's a very pretty language, there was something off about this title which I ultimately agreed with.

After a couple more days of pondering I finally settled with Elle qui Pleure, or She who Cries. I feel that this title still embodies the original idea pretty well but it also sounds better to the ears when compared to the other options I had. Immediately after settling on this title, I began a factor of the project that I previously was very terrified about, social media.  

Please keep in mind that I only just now created the social media account so I don't exactly have anything to post (which is why the bio is incomplete and the profile picture is currently my cat as Instagram demanded me to pick something.) Though I don't have anything to post (as of yet), I am excited that I was able to start thinking and planning the social media aspect of the project earlier on than a lot of the media students last year. 

I already have a lot of ideas for posts, now I just have to push through and get started. 

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