Wednesday, March 23, 2022


I've had this blog post in my drafts since February 12 (as seen above) which means that I'm not entirely sure if the music I have listed here is still what I envision for the film, however, this is work and research that I took time to do and since this week is a busy painting 24/7 type of week I feel like I should share it. 

Around the time that I originally wrote this blog, I was heavily inspired by the aesthetic and music from Fantastic Mr Fox. I would picture the scenes of my film with Mr Fox in the Fields playing in the background. Because of this all of the music I researched including the ones listed below are pure of the bluegrass genre. However, after filming one scene with a good amount of shots I'm not sure if this is the type of music I'm looking for. Regardless, I present you with my research.

I began searching for similar songs to Mr Fox in the Fields using the website Chosic as it has a "find similar songs" feature, but after looking through it I couldn't find anything to my liking. 

After this I directly searched up on google "bluegrass royalty-free music" and found the website called Free Music Archive.

From there I made note of a couple of songs: 

  • Keilcaster- Madame Flowers (which after listening to again I really liked)

I then continued my search through google before finding the Proud Music Library where I noted two songs:

After going over the music I had listed above I do see some promise with Madame Flowers but I know that I will need to find different songs for different parts of the film that these bluegrass songs would not work for. 

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